Monday, February 22, 2010


This morning I got up knowing that it has been 2 weeks since my iui and hoping my pregnancy test would be positive but ........ it was a big fat negitive staring back at me. :(
I decided I was going to call my nurse and still go in for my bloodwork because they told me to do it. I called her @ 8:45am and then was waiting for her to call back when guess who decided to come visit me ........ MY STUPID PERIOD !!! Really ?? How come it came today of all days when I am suppose to find out I am pregnant ? What is so ironic about it is that I NEVER have periods without drugs 2 months in a row and I did this time. I don't know how to feel anymore. Should we continue on our journey to have another baby or just be blessed with the children we already have ? I know that God has a plan for us, I just wish he would tell us what it is ..... or is he telling us now and I'm just not listening ??



  1. Maybe your period is a sign that things are more normal than you think and you and hubby should be doing lots of baby dancing to see what can happen on it's own ;)... IDK, just a thought :-))

  2. Some times you have to work really hard for what you want. Don't let it get you down. It will happend when its time. Your angel is up there wanting to meet you at right time. Love ya lil Sister. Tracy
